Goodbye by Ankia Bormans

A moment and time is fleeting, time to say good-bye and accept change. TERRA+ is saying good-bye to two wonderful women. Ayesha Adams who has been with TERRA+ since 2014 and Bonnie Fletcher who joined us in 2015. Both ladies have been invaluable in their contribution to TERRA+ and I wish them all the best. Ayesha has taken a post at the City of Cape Town as part of the growing number of Landscape Architects employed by the city. Bonnie is heading off to Natal and will explore other avenues.

They will both be missed, but it is now time for change which is good. Forced to reflect and adjust. It requires resilience, but allows for new ideas and shifts in thinking.

Adieu and all the best!

so you have stress......... by Ankia Bormans

We all have it, the deadline the cashflow the ink has run out.........We live in a constant stress environment, with our heartbeats elevated and cortisol coursing through our veins at abnormal rates. It does not go away with completion of a task or even taking that 2 week break at the end of the year. That is not enough. 

So it was that two stress coping mechanisms were introduced in the office and found to be exceptional additions and improvements. This is highly recommended and a great way to get your colleagues to talk about something other than work and get them away from  being bent over their desks. That is it then of the "feel good" cat photos, see........feeling better already!

STIG Lilacpointed Tonkinese and SVEN Sealpoint Siamese                                         

The Mural in the Urban Landscape by Ankia Bormans

The office of TERRA+ in the Woodstock suburb of Cape Town is surrounded by the fruit of many artists who have taken the time and effort to adorn the walls of buildings. In an area with relatively hard urban spaces it is interesting to observe the effect these murals have on the overall landscape. Where trees soften and reduce the scale of buildings, murals often have a similar effect, limited to the 2 dimensional constraints of the medium.

The benefits of enjoyment of art that is not exclusive and elitist is refreshing, no diatribe of meaning discussed over tart red wine. What are the social impacts of art which comments on the society and is regarded by that same society, at times, as a nuisance? Yet is is unconditional, requires no money and is fleeting.