Company Profile & Team

TERRA + is a Landscape Architectural practice that works independently and in collaboration with other Landscape Architects and various disciplines to ensure that projects are environmentally responsible, resilient and sustainable. This allows for a wide range of projects across a wide range of scales and levels of detail design.
Through expertise in the field and collaboration TERRA + offers the ability to deal with projects ranging from Masterplan development, both urban and rural, right down to landscape architectural detail design. We have a clear understanding that for any project to develop positively it has to be rooted in its context, this does not only relate to the natural environment but the urban context too. Whilst engaging in practical aspects of projects, the aspects of research remain a strong element in the office, with design-based questions arising and challenges explored on an academic level. We believe that it is through the trans-disciplinary approach that a project is truly successful.
Design-lead research in the office and taking time out to teach in the academic field encourages the reflective qualities of the profession and allows for broader exploration in the field of Landscape Architecture which is then translated to actual projects.

TERRA+ is a team of dynamic people who are passionate about Landscape Architecture and the aesthetics of the environment around them. Projects are tackled as a team with each individual contributing according to their strengths and insights. Every project is considered with people in mind and empathy in design plays a significant role.

TERRA + was founded in 2012 by Ankia Bormans , a registered Landscape Architect with over 5 years experience working in other firms in Cape Town before starting her own company. Ankia Bormans received her MLA from the University of Cape Town, and has since worked full time as a Landscape Architect.

Current internal team:
Front: (company director) Ankia Bormans.
Back row from left: Maria Kulikovskaya; Penny Moir; Alma Holm; Michael Brown
(And Sokkies, our office cat)
Photographs by Saskia Bormans, IG: @thebuzzbeauty