Kruskal Avenue Upgrade Concept & Detail Design

The Kruskal Avenue Upgrade is an urban regeneration project essential to address the need for improved investor confidence, enhanced access to public transportation, and increased pedestrian safety in this bustling precinct, offering benefits such as enhanced commuter safety through plaza design at roadway intersections, improved street lighting, and the retention of existing street trees, ultimately contributing to the comfort and well-being of pedestrians while stimulating economic growth.
The core concept behind the design revolved around establishing a cohesive street environment that signified a shift from the traditional vehicle-centric road to a vibrant pedestrian-focused area. To realise this vision, one idea involved replacing all asphalt surfaces with a diverse palette of clay brick pavers, demonstrating the commitment to a more people-oriented and pedestrianised space.

The design encompasses several key elements, including the introduction of fresh paved surfaces, the transplantation and planting of street trees, provision for street traders, and an overhaul of essential infrastructure like stormwater management.

What distinguishes this project is its transformation of the pedestrianised route into vibrant hubs of human interaction, departing from their previous vehicle-centric functions, and the thoughtful integration of an established network of street traders into a redesigned arrangement of standardized trader bays, interspersed with a combination of existing and newly planted trees, along with public seating and street lighting.