The ReZident, Lover’s Walk

The development of the landscape proposal took all the elements and considerations raised during the concept development stage, and integrated them in the overall design. The result is a development with proposed tree buffer along the northern edge which continues into the development between the units.

Heritage trees on the site were preserved following a careful replacement/preservation strategy

The development of the landscape proposal took all the elements and considerations raised during the concept development stage, and integrated them in the overall design. The result is a development with proposed tree buffer along the northern edge which continues into the development between the units.
The site falls within an area identified as the Upper Rondebosch Heritage Protection Overlay Zone which is administered by the City of Cape Town in terms of the provisions of its Municipal Planning By Law.

Landscape layers consisting of: existing trees; proposed trees; ground level planting (including groundcovers, graminoids, geophytes, shrubs); and hardlandscaping plans

The design was informed by the HIA prepared by Chris Snelling in July 2018. The following Heritage Resources Indicators and Design Informants were taken into the design considerations: The overall wider context treed and village character; Visual link across the site towards the Mountain; Stitching in of green elements into the development; The informal and village character of the edges; Enhancing existing informal planting; Preserving existing mature trees; Retention of existing edge stone walling

Inner courtyard planter and fullbore detail

The planting pallette for the entire project includes species that can be planted in swale conditions; shade-loving plants; hedge plants; plants for the planters which includes creepers; plants for embankment and log stabilization; plants for road verges; and a few well selected trees. Each individual area has a plant mix which is suited to the unique area’s climate & conditions.