Parc du Cap Business Park

The Parc du Cap business park is an existing business complex that needed refurbishment to transform existing infrastructure and improve pedestrian access and movement around the complex.

The project started with a framework development plan to reimagine the existing business park, and to make it more pedestrian-friendly and diversify planted areas in support of biodiversity.

TERRA+ did the framework plan for the entire business park and the developed a detailed plan for the central boulevard where the pedestrian was given more dominance and freedom of movement. This was conceived by looking at pedestrian patterns and retro fitting paving and pedestrian crossings.

The planting was then re-furbished to include more diversity and interest and to create a hierarchy of the central boulevard through additional tree planting.

The planting palette was divided into twelve plant mixes, each containing a varied mixture of plant species spread across the park to achieve a colourful and diverse pattern of colour.

A few plant species that were divided into the 12 plant mixes included: Aloe arborescens, Aloe ferox, Arctotis stoechadifolia, Barleria repens, Bulbine frutiscens, Chasmanthe floribunda 'Duckittii', Coleonema album, Dimorphotheca fruticosa, Felicia amelloides, Gazania krebsiana, Helichrysum 'Silver Lace', Juncus capensis, Metalasia muricata, Pelargonium capitatum, Searsia crenata, and Watsonia borbonica to name a few.

The water feature, with a selection of water-loving plants!

All paths and walkways were carefully detailed in order to create comfortable pedestrian walkways throughout the site

Trees were preserved as far as possible, with multifunctional retaining structures added where needed.

Vehicular paving comprises patterned brickwork to facilitate comfortable driving while delineating a distinction between pedestrian paths and vehicular roads on the site.